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Scotch & Schema (Scotch & Soda)

What is schema? Grab a scotch and soda, and let's get into the semantics about schema tags and their importance for SEO.

scotch and schema

Lance Beaudry

Lance doesn't have time for the spacesinhissentences. He's always going, curious, and extremely competitive (mostly with himself). He loves to investigate a website to identify opportunities for more traffic and conversions. Spend a little time with him and he'll give you a treasure chest full of website marketing ideas to help you get more results.

Why This Recipe Works

Schema is a semantic vocabulary of tags that you can add to your HTML to improve the way search engines read and understand your page content and the way it’s displayed on the search engine results page (SERP).


  • One website
  • A tool for adding website schema
  • A can-do attitude


  1. Make sure your website provides you with a way to add schema markup.
  2. Identify the right types of content to markup.
  3. Mark that content up with schema tags!