The Avalanche Email: Fun. Simple. Educational. No Selling.

Build a Better Lead Generating Website

Join over 3,542 others who get one email every Wednesday with simple instructions on how to get more website traffic and leads through SEO and content marketing.

I highly recommend subscribing to this email - it's always entertaining, valuable and one of the few external emails I read on a consistent basis. Expand your SEO knowledge and support a local GR business!

Abby Yeomans
Abby Yeomans
Service Express

I always look forward to receiving the Avalanche emails. While I work in marketing, I am a bit of a generalist, so I look to the emails to provide a deeper context into things I hadn't really thought about. I like how the emails make a complex concept easy to understand through examples and humor. It makes learning about SEO actually fun!

Lina Miller
Lina Miller
Atomic Object

I've found your blog posts and videos on data analysis to be extremely beneficial. I might be a bit biased as I tend to gravitate towards the data side of things anyway, but I think the more people are able to learn and utilize tools like Google Analytics and SEMRush to understand the story behind the numbers, the quicker we'll be able to grasp the value of SEO and the importance of doing it right. You have a crazy talent for explaining analytics in a way that's very approachable and easy to understand, keep that up!

Eric Cousins
Eric Cousins

I LOVE all your emails sooo much.

Jessica Slaydon
Jessica Slaydon
Swift Printing

As a digital marketer, you’ve got a lot of options for taking a dive into SEO and content marketing.

We’ve seen the free courses and webinars, the “Ultimate Guide's, and the Twitter threads that aim to teach you everything you need to learn about SEO...

Well, if there’s anything that we’ve learned, it’s that you learn best by doing. That’s the approach we take to teach you in our weekly email.

Every Wednesday, you’ll get fast, actionable tips to improve your website’s visibility in organic search, boost conversion rates, and write SEO-friendly content. Plus, as we learn new things, you will too.

Subscribe Now

lance beaudry headshot
Who's writing this email, anyway?

Lance Beaudry, Co-Owner of Avalanche Creative

The Avalanche weekly email is my opportunity to tell (bad, probably not all that funny) jokes while sharing what our team is learning as we help businesses put their website to work with SEO and content.

We share everything we know and everything we're learning. We don't use this email to sell - only to teach.

Most emails are less than a 3-minute read.

Lance's Bio

Lance doesn't have time for the spacesinhissentences. He's always going, curious, and extremely competitive (mostly with himself). He loves to investigate a website to identify opportunities for more traffic and conversions. Spend a little time with him and he'll give you a treasure chest full of website marketing ideas to help you get more results.


  • Stay current.
    Most weeks we're sharing a new tip that is backed by evidence. You'll always be provided with the most current SEO and content marketing tips that have been tried.
  • Get access to free tools.
    We are always on the hunt for new tools to make us better marketers. We share those with you and show you how they're helping us get more and better results.
  • Make better marketing decisions.
    The content of every email is designed to help you make better decisions about the marketing activities you are working on.

Frequently Asked Questions

To be honest, it's a part of our marketing strategy.

There's no shortage of great, free information available today, but it's what you do with that information that makes the difference.

The goal of our weekly email is to make it as easy as possible for you to understand and execute a results-driven SEO and content marketing strategy.

Some people on this email list may need our help doing the work at some point. That's great. We're always happy to chat.

But, if you don't ever need our help and are just happy to learn more to sharpen your own skills, that's great too. 

Either way, it's important for our company to develop a reputation for sharing.

  • We aren't hiding anything.
  • We're trying to make it fun.
  • We aren't using any unnecessary industry jargon (without first teaching you).
  • We listen to our readers - if there's something you want more of, we'll give it to you!

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