The Avalanche Creative Blog

Sharing what we learn as we continue to learn.

Search Engine Optimization Articles

9 Google Chrome Extensions Every Web Designer Needs To Have

Here are the Google Chrome Extensions that we personally use and strongly recommend every web designer or developer to consider using as well. They have made our lives easier, more productive, and far less stressful.

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How to Get Leads from Your Website

In this article we’ll show you how to get leads from your website by offering a ton of value to your website visitors.

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What is a Facebook Lookalike Audience?

Facebook’s Lookalike Audience allows you to create a custom audience of people on Facebook’s Ad Network that Facebook identifies as having common qualities of people that “look like” another source audience.

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What is a Customer Email Worth?

Did you know that email marketing returns, on average, $44 for every $1 spent? Yeah. That’s an amazing return. It’s because email is so cheap to send and it’s still the most effective form of digital marketing today. The problem is, it can be tricky to identify your customer and acquire their email address to begin nurturing them…

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