Case Study

Priority Health

Priority Health is a nonprofit health benefits company focused on improving the health and lives of one million members across Michigan. Our team provided Priority Health with tailored keyword research, strategic content creation, and competitive analysis, resulting in significant visibility gains, thousands of daily visitors, and rankings for 60,000+ keywords.

Priority Health Photo for Case Study

The Problem

Priority Health had a team in place to manage SEO, but they required direction. Their team needed assistance is identifying which website improvements are necessary to take their SEO and site experience to the next level. Priority Health was looking for an agency and partner who was capable of conducting a comprehensive audit of their website and current SEO strategy.

The Solution

Our team provided them with the tools and knowledge necessary to increase their visibility. We researched and provided a comprehensive list of keywords that would make sense for them to be visible. With that list, our team was able to assist in writing some of Priority Health’s most visible content. Our competitive analysis identified their key competitors and their organic search strength against them. With this, it was found that existing pages needed to be updated to catch up to their competitors in this space. All of these changes have helped them gain thousands of visitors every day and rank for over 60,000 keywords.

The Results


Organic search traffic increase compared to the same period last year


Total organic goal completions this year


Total impressions in the last three months

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