Case Study


TextSpot is SMS marketing and reminder software. Avalanche leads the SEO and content work for TextSpot that has driven their website to 15,000+ new monthly visitors and beyond $16,000 in monthly revenue.

The Client

TextSpot is a messaging software for business and personal use to send mass texts, recurring texts and more.

The Need

TextSpot needed to reach a wide variety of different types of users to their website to get them to start a free trial. With hundreds of thousands of people searching for SMS software in thousands of different ways, there are many different choices to make for what SEO content will be the most effective.

The Engagement

Content Writing

Content Writing »



Web Design

Web Design »

The Solution

TextSpot worked with Avalanche to build dozens of landing pages that helped turn curious searches into subscribers. People that search for things like 'bcc text messages' were ultimately describing SMS software. However, software providers like TextSpot don't call it "bcc." By identifying unique ways that potential customers search for SMS solutions, Avalanche helped TextSpot find low-hanging fruit that helped them go from 10 trial sign ups a week to 100+.

The Avalanche Effect


Website goal conversion rate (forms, calls, etc.)


Monthly trial activations


Organic goal completion increase compared to previous period

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