Speak Your Customers’ Language & Get More
Are you speaking the same language as your customers? We're not talking about English or Spanish; we're talking about search empathy!

Category: Search Engine Optimization | Tags: avalanche email, infographic, strategy
Today I’m going to show you why and how speaking your customer’s language can give you more customers.
- Living room
- Den
- Playroom
- Family room
- Living space
- TV room
- Rumpus room (never heard of that one but found it on Google and giggled)
All of these are synonyms for what people use to describe a room or space in a house that is used for informal everyday use.
But we all have our preferences. And some of these words add a little more context, while some are more ambiguous.
In the same way, people use their preferences and what words they know and understand to search for what they need online.
Language as a Marketing Strategy
Using your customer’s language (the synonyms in many cases) can be an incredibly beneficial SEO and content strategy.
Here’s an example: TextSpot is SMS marketing software.
People use it to send mass group text messages. But there are many different words people use to describe what can be boiled down to as “mass texting” or “blast texting” or “bulk texting”… you get it.
Here are some more keywords people search that are related:
- blind copy text message app
- SMS broadcast software
- how to send a group text without showing recipients
- one way group messaging with no reply all
You’d think that you could just have one landing page that mentions how all of these are essentially the same… which they are. Mass texting platforms allow you to “broadcast” BCC text messages and recipients won’t see who received the message and can’t reply all.
But an audit of the search engine results pages reveals that each one of these keywords has a unique set of results (i.e. the pages that rank for these queries are quite different).
That means you’ll need individual landing pages for these different keywords/queries.
You might be thinking, “well that just seems like you’re creating a lot of landing pages purely for SEO’s sake.”
It would seem that way, but if you’re thinking that way, then you aren’t empathizing with the searcher. You don’t care enough about who they are, what they know, and the language they use.
You need to use their language to lead them and teach them. Using their language communicates that you understand them (and Google gets that, too).
If you want success from SEO and content, then you need to help your audience get from what they know to what you know with ease.
Do that by creating meaningful landing page experiences on your website based on who they are and what words they use.
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